Degree Requirements

Dear ’23,

Make sure that you’re keeping degree requirements in mind; each of you has a Credit Analysis Report in your WesPortal. There are instructions for reading the report at the link.


To reiterate, the degree requirements for Wesleyan are:

32.00 credits, without oversubscription

Oversubscription means that of the total 32.00 credits required for graduation, no more than 16.00 credits in any one subject can be counted toward the degree requirements.

For example, if you are an ENGL major with 18.00 ENGL credits, only 16.00 of those will count toward the 32.00, so that student must make sure that they’re taking enough credits to still have 32.00 (so, for example, the student in this case would need to have earned 34.00 credits).

I realize that this can be confusing, so we’ll continue to discuss this throughout this year and next. There are also other categories for oversubscription, such as tutorials, pre-matriculant credit, etc., which are all described here.


Major requirements fulfilled: make sure that you’re working very closely with your faculty advisor in your major to determine where you stand vis a vis the major requirements
A GPA of at least 74.00
Semesters in residence:
-at least six semesters in residence at Wesleyan for students who entered in their first year

-at least five semesters in residence at Wesleyan for students who transferred during their sophomore year

-at least four semesters in residence for students entering as midyear sophomores or junior year transfers

(Please note: remote semesters taking Wesleyan courses also count as semesters in residence)

16.00 credits earned at Wesleyan