Wes 101: Hello Rising Sophomores!

  Wes 101: Hello Rising Sophomores!


Dear ’23,

It’s been quite a year, but you did it! It’s been an honor to be your dean and I’m looking forward to watching you grow and stretch yourselves over the next three years.


Make sure that you’re taking some time to decompress and reflect on your first year at Wes.

This reflection sheet should be of help:



Also, the deadline for E2020 summer funding is Friday, May 22nd. Students can get funding for remote civic engagement related to campaigns, issues advocacy, or voter engagement. If you have questions or want to brainstorm ideas, please be in touch with Rhea Drozdenko (rdrozdenko@wesleyan.edu).

Please continue to stay in touch over the summer; I would love to hear from you.

Take good care,








Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023

(860) 685.2758

Wesleyan University

203 North College, 237 High Street

Middletown, CT 06459

Drop-in hours:

M-F 3:00-5:00

Google Calendar:


Available via Zoom or Google Hangout

Also available via FaceTime (203.500.9717) and Skype (deanjenniferwood)







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