“Hi all! Just here to remind everyone Pre-Registration for Fall 2020 opened on Tuesday (4/7), and that Academic Peer Advisors are still available to meet virtually and would absolutely LOVE to help you navigate pre-registration/scheduling (and also any other academic concerns/questions you might have)!
Feel free to reach out to all of us at peeradvisors@wesleyan.edu OR go to our bios and reach out to one of us individually! (https://www.wesleyan.edu/studentaffairs/resources/peeradvisors/bios.html#)
Also, here’s a link to a tips page that we put together for course scheduling: https://www.wesleyan.edu/studentaffairs/resources/peeradvisors/posts/courses.html.
We look forward to working with you!
P.S. I am available from 9AM-12PM and 1PM-6PM EST tomorrow (Friday, 4/10) and have set up an appointment calendar (https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUFoWkZjYVZ4QkZ1fGRlZmF1bHR8MWRiM2JlYjFjMTZiYzg5ODQ0YmZiYmY0MzlmOGI1NTE), so if you’d like to meet with me please just schedule a time and I’ll send you an email to connect so that we can decide how to meet (hbrumberger@wesleyan.edu)! If you are in a time zone that makes meeting tomorrow difficult, please reach out and I would be happy to set up a separate time! I will also be holding more hours next Friday (4/17) at the same times, and you can sign up on the same appointment calendar!”