Wes 101: Self-Care and Connection





Wes 101: Self-Care and Connection




Dear ’23,

I hope you’re all doing as well as possible and finding ways to practice self-care and stay connected.

Here are six great self-care practices to try:


  • Structure your time as much as possible.

You can even try to keep it similar to the schedule that you had prior to all of this.  This may not always be possible, but it can be good to find some familiarity in routine.


  • Exercise/get outside:
    You would be amazed how much better you’ll feel if you take breaks, get outside and exercise. It’s just for your physical self, which is suddenly moving around quite a bit less, but for your emotional/mental health as well.


  • Decompress:
    Give yourself some space and time to de-stress, whether that’s with a meditation app or just taking a few moments to yourself to stretch and breathe.


  • Reach out for support:
    We are here. I’m here, your instructors and advisors are here, CAPS is here, so just let us know if you’re struggling. We’re only an email away.


  • Stay connected:
    Arrange a Google Hangout with your study group or friends from class. Have a Zoom gathering and talk about Tiger King. Reconnect with high school friends. Whatever. Just make sure that you’re finding ways to feel a sense of community.


  • Know that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed:
    Clearly this is a unique and very stressful situation, so just do the best you can. All we can do is try to support each other through this. 😊


Some wonderful resources:


CAPS at home has information about online mental health resources and crisis hotlines.


The Writing Workshop is open for online business.


-Our fantastic Academic Peer Advisors, Haley Brumberger and Sydney Taylor-Klaus, are available to help with study strategies, particularly time management.


A helpful guide to social distancing, created by our own Elizabeth Ouanemalay ‘23


Also, please pre-reg will be starting next week:


Planning April 7 – 20

Scheduling April 21

Adjustment April 22 – 28


I am available via Zoom, Skype, Google Hangout and FaceTime. My info is below, so whatever works is fine with me. If you sign up for an appointment on my calendar, I will send you a Zoom link. If there are any issues, don’t hesitate to contact me in any of these other ways.


Finally, if you’re missing campus, please check out this very cool site with old photos of Wes that I spent far too much time on this morning.

Take good care and please be in touch,




Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023

(860) 685.2758

Wesleyan University

203 North College, 237 High Street

Middletown, CT 06459

Drop-in hours:

M-F 3:00-5:00

Google Calendar:


Available via Zoom or Google Hangout

Also available via FaceTime (203.500.9717) and Skype (deanjenniferwood)







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