Wes 101: Online Learning Resources and Checking in


Dear 2023,

I know that this is a difficult, displacing moment, and as I sit at home suddenly teaching sixth-grade material to my twin daughters (‘ve learned a lot about landslides and Venezuela this week), I find myself imagining you, in different apartments and homes all over the world. Sitting on your bed or the living room couch, being distracted by younger siblings and pets perhaps, worried about your friends and family.  Wherever you are, know that I am holding space for you and miss being on campus seeing you all. I’d love to hear from you; my Zoom meeting calendar is here or just drop me an email.


As a dear friend of mine has noted, “Disaster requires acts of imagination. This pandemic lays bare the cruelty of living in such dismal inequality, but emergency can be, and almost always is, a moment of emergence.” Remember to consider the scenes of extraordinary care that ordinary people have shown (and will continue to show) one another and how we can come together just as we are apart.


Some great resources this week:


-Our very own Kiarah Young ’23 has put together these wonderful student tips for Zoom.


-Check out this Self-Love First Aid kit created by our very own Anna Tjeltveit ‘23 so that you can practice positive psychology during this difficult moment.


-This very informative site put together by Student Academic Resources lists tips for learning in a digital environment and great information about assistive technology.


-We now have a fillable form for fourth-quarter drop/add, which is attached. A full list of fourth-quarter courses is on our blog. Keep in mind that the deadline to drop/add fourth-quarter courses is within the first five working days from the first class meeting.


The COL application deadline has been extended

The COL is a three-year Humanities major. Forming a mutually supportive cohort, students study literature, history, and philosophy, learn a foreign language, spend the spring semester of their junior year abroad, and write a senior thesis or essay.

Applications for admission for the class of 2023 are due Monday, March 30th, 2020: https://www.wesleyan.edu/col/apply.html.


-All courses can now be taken on a CR/U basis., so keep this in mind as a release valve of sorts. All departments will now accept CR/U courses from this term toward majors, minors, etc.


Pre-reg has been postponed by a week; the new schedule is:

Planning April 7 – 20 (which will overlap with Passover, so please be in touch if you run into issues with this)

Scheduling April 21

Adjustment April 22 – 28


Nominate someone for the  Peter Morgenstern-Clarren ’03 Employee Recognition Award.

Eligible Wesleyan employees include custodians, dining staff, grounds crew, and building maintenance staff (i.e. electricians, plumbers).


Finally, take good care.





Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023

(860) 685.2758

Wesleyan University

203 North College, 237 High Street

Middletown, CT 06459

Drop-in hours:

M-F 3:00-5:00








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