Wes 101: Organization

Wes 101: Organization

Dear class of 2023,

I hope you’re doing well and washing your hands! The flu is really rampant this year, so take of yourselves and each other!

-Tomorrow  at 5:00 is the last day to withdraw from third-quarter courses.

-Tomorrow at noon is the  deadline to receive a Financial Aid award for Summer Session  before registration opens.


Registration for Summer Session opens next Fri, March 6, and students who would like an award letter before registration opens should complete the seven-question form by noon tomorrow. The next review will be noon on April 15. More information is available here.

Check out the Wes Summer 2020 courses.




  • If you’re thinking about pursuing an internship this summer and would like to get credit for it, learn more about the process  here.


Finally, I wanted to provide you with 5 Steps to Organization; it’s a stressful time of the year, so staying organized will help. I do not live in a glass house on this (and if I did, you’d see how disorganized I really am!), but these are good strategies to keep in mind:

You might have a number of assessments/assignments due next week, so make sure that you’re:

  1. Planning out your time wisely.
  2. Breaking down big assignments into smaller, manageable chunks
  3. Making study guides for tests/using flash cards and/or quizlets. Try to predict the questions.
  4. Studying in groups so that you can help/quiz each other.
  5. Taking time out to decompress and practicing self-care.


Just be in touch if you need me,







Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023

(860) 685.2758

Wesleyan University

203 North College, 237 High Street

Middletown, CT 06459

Drop-in hours:

M 2-3, T 3-4, W 4-6, Th 11-12, F 2-4







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