Wes 101: You’ve Got This!

Wes 101: You’ve Got This!

Dear 2023,
I hope your last week of the term is going well; just two last pieces of advice as we enter into these final days:

1. When you are running on little sleep, make no big decisions and draw no big conclusions (especially about your abilities and character). Your judgment
and studying efficiency are impaired when you have too little sleep. Exams are a test of your knowledge, not of your identity and personal worth.

2. When an exam or paper or presentation is done, it is done. No need to dwell on it.

And last: You belong here. It is difficult, but you will be fine. A demanding college demands hard work. You will discover resources within you that you did not know you had. Resilience is an invaluable ability to possess.
So, believe in yourself, and know that I believe in you, too.

Best wishes,

Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023
(860) 685.2758
Wesleyan University
203 North College, 237 High Street
Middletown, CT 06459
Drop-in hours:
M 2-3, T 3-4, W 4-6, Th 11-12, F 2-4

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