Wes 101: Pre-Reg

Wes 101: Pre-Reg

(1940s postcard)

Dear ’23,
I hope you’re doing well!

10 Tips for Pre-Registration
1. Be cognizant of the deadlines below and look over the Student User Guide to Pre-Registration.
8:30am Tuesday, November 5th through 5pm Monday, November 18th.
For plans to be included in scheduling, they must be finalized by a pre-major or major advisor before 5pm Monday, November 18th.

Tuesday, November 19th

Staggered opening, beginning 8am Wednesday, November 20th through 5pm Tuesday, November 26th. Once scheduling has run, students can see their adjustment start time on their pre-registration page.

2. Again, If your plan is not finalized, you will not be included in the scheduling process, so plan ahead and reach out to your faculty advisor. Plan ahead for this and do not wait until the last minute.
3. CLEAR ANY HOLDS and MAKE SURE THAT YOU HAVE CONFIRMED YOUR FALL 2019 SCHEDULE so that you can participate in pre-registration for the spring.
4. Rank all seven courses. Ranking fewer puts you at a disadvantage.
5. Be cognizant of the course enrollment limits (for example, if there are 0 seats for first-year students, don’t rank this course first!), as the system will adhere to the rules first.
6. Do not rank courses that take place at the same time.
7. Choose “any section”, as the system will try to put you in any section that works.
8. For any Permission of Instructor (POI) courses, if you get the permission, that is a guaranteed course enrollment.
9. Email instructors regarding your interest in given courses.
10. Keep in mind that there is a help line: 860.685.3222 from 8:30am to 4:30pm, Monday through Friday.

Also, make sure that you’re looking to our class year’s Academic Peer Advisors for help with pre-reg!

Hello Class of 2023!
It’s us, your Academic Peer Advisors! Guess what time it is? PRE-REGISTRATION! For Spring 2020! Now, I know that the Spring semester feels very far away, but Pre-Registration is OPEN and will close MONDAY NOVEMBER 18TH at 5:00PM. At that time, your courses MUST BE FINALIZED BY YOUR FACULTY ADVISOR (after an in-person meeting) or your rankings will not be run in the scheduling program.

On-campus Pre-Registration is DIFFERENT from summer registration. To help, I will be holding drop-in hours in the Butt B Lounge TOMORROW from 9AM-11:45AM and in Exley NEXT TUESDAY (11/12) from 4:30PM-8:00PM, and I would love to see you there to address all of your pre-registration (or other academic) needs!

Here is the link to appointment slots–please sign up if you can, but you can also just drop by or email me with a different time that works for you! I hope your semesters are going well, and I look forward to meeting with you!

Your friendly neighborhood APA,

P.S. Here’s the link again if you forgot to sign up: https://calendar.google.com/calendar/selfsched?sstoken=UUFoWkZjYVZ4QkZ1fGRlZmF1bHR8MWRiM2JlYjFjMTZiYzg5ODQ0YmZiYmY0MzlmOGI1NTE

P.P.S. Please feel free to reach out to me (or the other Class of 2023 APAs, Jack and Sydney) with any questions! Syd’s email is staylorklaus@wesleyan.edu and Jack’s is cwang01@wesleyan.edu

Just be in touch if you have any questions.


Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023
(860) 685.2758
Wesleyan University
203 North College, 237 High Street
Middletown, CT 06459
Drop-in hours:
M 2-3, T 3-4, W 4-6, Th 11-12, F 2-4

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