Senior Information

Dear ’23,
Here we are! The first day of your last semester at Wes!

I therefore write to provide the degree requirements one more time, so please read this carefully. All of these are available to look over in your Credit Analysis Report, which is in the Academics bucket of your WesPortal, other than the major requirements.

The five requirements are:

You must have 32.00 useable graduation credits (pay special attention to this!)

You must have 16.00 Wesleyan credits.

You must have a grade point average of at least 74.00.

You must have the required terms of residence:
at least six semesters in residence at Wesleyan for students who entered in their first year
at least five semesters in residence at Wesleyan for students who entered as sophomores
at least four semesters in residence at Wesleyan for students who entered as midyear sophomores or juniors

You must complete the requirements of a major. You can make sure that you’re on track if you go into your major certification form (which is also available in the Academics bucket of your WesPortal). This form allows you to click on different courses you’ll be using to satisfy different major requirements and save it. You can also request overrides to include courses from study abroad or outside. You must go over this form with your advisor as soon as possible to be sure that you’re on track with the major.

One other point
Unless you have been approved to pursue the per credit option, you must take 3.00 credits this spring to be enrolled full-time even if you’re at 32.00 credits.

I’ll be in touch soon about Commencement information—caps and gowns, etc.—but I want to be sure that you are looking very closely at where you stand in terms of these requirements and that you’re in touch if you have any questions.

Finally, I’ve changed over to Calendly—the link is below—and I’ll have both drop-in appointments as well as open Zoom hours.
My first open Zoom hours will be tomorrow from 10:00 to noon to answer any quick questions that you might have. Please stop by.
