Wes 101: Settling in, Getting Going

Dear ’23,
I hope you’re all doing well and settling into a groove.

Just a reminder that the Academic Peer Advisors are available to help with time management/scheduling, as well as other academic strategies. Check out their bios here, as they have had a variety of experiences, such as studying abroad, taking a gap year, managing being a student-athlete, transferring to Wes, conducting lab research, pursuing the BA/MA, spending time on an actual volcano, pursuing the pre-med track, writing for the Argus, you name it.

The following wonderful resources are also available:
Peer tutors are available in different courses; you can request one here.
Writing Workshop
Assistive Technology
Math Workshop

-Make sure that you are communicating with your professors and practicing self-care.

Image result for self-care meme about cell phone

Grading mode deadline
For courses in which you have a choice of grading mode, the deadline to make the decision whether to take the course A-F or CR/U is Friday, September 27, at 5:00 p.m.

First-Year Dinner with President Roth Reminder
If you’d like to sign up for one of these dinners, which will take place on Tuesday, September 24, and Wednesday, October 2, please RSVP at this link:

Substance-Free Dinner with VP of Student Affairs Mike Whaley 9/24

Choosing Majors and Careers for F-1 Visa Holders 9/23
To Register through Handshake, click here:

Group for Female-Identifying Students

Fall ’19 Career Treks

5 Way to Improve Your Reading Comprehension and Effectiveness
To get the most out of reading, it’s important to read actively and for textbooks in particular, you might want to use the SQ3R system.

Survey: consider what you’re going to read and why. How does it connect to the larger goals of the course? Why are you reading this particular text/article at this point in the term? Look for the layout in order to get an overview.

Question: Actively engage as you enter into the reading by trying to understand the author’s overall message and point. What are they trying to accomplish?

Read: Continue to question, make connections and look for patterns. Be sure to annotate, which means underlining or highlighting key words and phrases—anything that strikes you as surprising or significant, or that raises questions. Disagree with the author? Write it down.

Recite/Summarize: Summarize your understanding what you have read. Could you describe the reading to someone not in the course? Could you predict a test question on this material?

Review: Go through your notes/annotations and focus on anything y that you found important for class discussion and/or confusing so that you can talk with your instructor for clarification.

Here is a handy visual aid:

Please keep in touch and continue to check out the class blog, as I post things there regularly.
Take care,
Dean Wood

Jennifer Wood (she, her, hers)
Dean for the Class of 2023
(860) 685.2758
Wesleyan University
203 North College, 237 High Street
Middletown, CT 06459
Drop-in hours:
M 2-3, T 3-4, W 4-6, Th 11-12, F 2-4
